Supplemental Tables: Ongoing Charges for UCITS in the European Union, 2023 (xlsx)
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UCITS: A Cost-Effective Savings Vehicle Benefitting Investors Worldwide
December 19, 2024—UCITS remain a global success story, serving as a cost-effective savings tool for...
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ICI and ISS MI BrightScope Report 401(k) Plan Participants Continue to Benefit from Employer Contrib...
August 21, 2024—The undeniable strength of the 401(k) system is seen in the report, "The BrightScope...
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401(k) Investors Benefit as Mutual Fund Fees Cut in Half
July 16, 2024—The latest research from the Investment Company Institute (ICI), “The Economics of...
IRA Investors in Mutual Funds Concentrate Their Assets in Lower-Cost Mutual Funds (pdf)
Supplemental Tables: The Economics of Providing 401(k) Plans: Services, Fees, and Expenses, 2023 (xl...